About Ruth Irwin


Ruth began her fundraising career in the United States in 1986 as a Development Officer for a US Theatre Company.  Her early training was with the prestigious National Society for Fundraising Executives known today as the Association of Fundraising Professionals.

For the past 34 years she has worked as a fundraising consultant in the UK, initially heading up her own Consultancy and then as a Managing Consultant and Board Member for the Chapter One Group /Ketchum (US Capital Campaign Consultancy).   Until January 2010 she was the Major Gift Director for the Domain Group and is now a Major Gift Consultant and Founder of Ascent.

Ruth has worked with clients in strategic planning, fundraising reviews and feasibility studies with a particular emphasis on setting up and planning the Major Gift Programme and the Mid-Value Programme.  She has helped many charities set up their first Major Gift and Mid Value programmes by mentoring practitioners to develop their skills; additionally coaching Major Gift staff to improve their effectiveness.

She has experience of training in fundraising and speaking at conferences:  “How to plan a winning Fundraising Programme”, “Getting started”, “Attracting Funds for Capital Projects”, “Donor Development”, “Major Donor Cultivation and Solicitation”, “Ask Training” and “Gold Digging or Polishing Diamonds” at the Aiming for Excellence Conference.